The orange tree in the plaza

Naranja 2

The main square in Jimena, la plaza de la Constitución,  has orange trees all around it. This particular one is near to the cafe bar ‘Pastor II’, and one particular lady always sits under here with her 2 dogs to have coffee from 11.30 onwards most days. She is a bit of a landmark now and we all tend to congregate around her. Sadly for us, she has gone back to the UK  for a while, but hopefully will be back under the tree next February. We miss you, Kate! And her dogs Olly & Dylan…..

Pastor of the plaza


Antonio, otherwise known as Pastor, runs the restaurant/cafe/bar in the main plaza in Jimena, called Pastor II. His other bar is just around the corner. It is a popular gathering place for coffee and gossip in the late morning, and, although the service is not fast, the coffee is very good. I think he has an interesting face, and is part of Jimena, so I wanted to draw him, especially as I am practicing drawing people at the moment. Of course,  non-Jimenatas will have no idea if this looks anything like him or not!  I took some pictures to work from and he was very flattered, in fact I think he thought he’d pulled as he then sat with his arm draped round me…. 🙂

The tower in the main square


La Plaza de la Constitución is the main central square in Jimena. It is a great meeting place, where people sit in the cafes or just around the sides on the wall and watch what is going on and who is passing by. There is actually a children’s play park to the left of this view but I decided to leave it out as I personally find it an eye-sore, although lots of fun is had on it….The clock on the tower is permanently at 5 minutes  to 11, and apparently has been for quite a few years; doesn’t matter, nobody is a rush here 🙂